The Imagine Port Orchard GUIDE

Here is everything you need to know about Imagine Port Orchard.

The Imagine Port Orchard IDEA

A group of community members and local businesses had a dream for the downtown areas of Port Orchard. They put their heads together and decided to make some amazing things happen!

Imagine Port Orchard is a movement. It's an idea that anything we can imagine, we can make possible if we work together as a community. If we can dream it, we can do it. Together.

Nothing is too big or too small. We care about forward-thinking vision as well as the small details that make up our daily lives. Our vision and attention to detail propel us towards future goals. We are all a part of Imagine Port Orchard and together we can create the changes we wish to see in and throughout our community.

What is the Kitsap Public Facilities District (KPFD)?

By state law, a portion of our sales tax is put aside for projects that create tourism and economic growth.

South Kitsap residents have been paying this sales tax since 2000 but our community has never been awarded funding for a project.

The Kitsap Public Facilities District decides which proposals are approved and how much will be funded for each particular project.

The money will be spent in Kitsap County one way or the other. It's simply a matter of which project brings the most growth and is the best fit for Kitsap County as a whole. This doesn't cost you or me anything. This isn't a tax increase. The money is there, it's simply a matter of deciding how to spend it and where - within Kitsap County.

How is a Project Funded by the KPFD?

Local Businesses and community members present their ideas for generating new tourism revenue. The KPFD is comprised of a Board appointed by our County Commissioners. Each district within Kitsap (North, Central, South) and our 4 cities - Bainbridge, Poulsbo, Bremerton, Port Orchard - have a representative on the board, 7 board members total who decide which projects will be most beneficial for our community and how much funding they will give to the project(s).

In 2019 a total of six proposals were considered along with our proposal for a Community Events Center (CEC) downtown on Bay Street.

Our community came out to show the KFPD that we WANT this! We are excited to build something that all of Kitsap can utilize and enjoy. We are excited to revitalize our shoreline areas and create space for new opportunities.

The KPFD voted the SKCEC the #1, most important project and was awarded the maximum from existing revenues. The people of the South Kitsap area had a great idea that not only benefits our community but it’s OUR turn to use resources that we’ve been paying towards growth in Kitsap County.



A ‘Year in Review’ recap for 2020 via web, email + facebook posts. Text below will be for all 3 (web/email/fb) but Facebook will be broken up into 3 posts - three images are included at the bottom.

SKCEC New Year Email Layout + Web Update:

Email_Header + FB Cover.png

Dear Kitsap County Community Member, 

On behalf of the entire SKCEC project team, we’d like to wish you a healthy and happy New Year and we want to THANK YOU for your support and participation in our SKCEC planning period.

Since the inception of this exciting project we have been encouraged by the SK community’s enthusiasm and support. You have cheered this project on and now that we are in the planning and design stages you’ve been instrumental in making this dream of a new space to gather on the waterfront a reality.


A Look Back…

Public Survey

Soon after award-winning, Bremerton-based architecture firm Rice Fergus Miller was selected to move forward with the SKCEC planning and design we reached directly out to you for vital public commentary. Over 600 community members submitted their ideas, suggestions, hopes and dreams through our public input survey this past October. Your vision of beautiful shared spaces to gather with friends, family, and civic groups, and your desire for a revitalized downtown Port Orchard you feel proud of will help shape the South Kitsap Community Events Center. 

See the survey results here: (link to IMPO survey presentation page)


Port Orchard City Counsel SKCEC Update Presentation

After months of research and consideration, 3 potential locations for the SKCEC emerged. On November 24th, 2020 RFM Principal Steve Rice presented the results of the October public survey and information on the 3 site candidates to the Port Orchard City Counsel via ZOOM video meeting. Also in attendance were many community members and supporters of the SKCEC project. Thank you to everyone who made time to attend this presentation, your continued support and engagement are appreciated! 

You can watch the 11.24.20 SKCEC presentation by Steve Rice here (link to the video on website)

SKCEC Site Selection

Soon after the ZOOM presentation to the City Counsel it was announced that they had selected 619 Bay St. - the site of the current Kitsap Bank building - as the site for the new 24,000 square foot SKCEC facility. Of the three sites considered this site best matched the qualities the public expressed they wanted and the logistic needs of the event center. This location offers direct access to the shoreline and the waters of Sinclair Inlet - something the community asked for in the survey a number of times. The work has begun on the architectural design of the multi-purpose, multi-story building and we eagerly await concepts and renderings that we can share with you in the coming months. 


A Look Ahead…

What’s next for the SKCEC?

Over the next few months, there will be a series of feasibility studies, additional site assessments, and continued public outreach.

Thank you for staying invested in your community and in this project. In a time where good news is in short supply, we are so happy to be working together on a project that will help bring our community together like never before. 

Be Well, 

~ The Imagine Port Orchard Team


Text will be the same as the email above but broken up into 3 posts - (1) Thank you, (2) Look Back, (3) Look Ahead


1) Top Words

We wanted to share some of the results of the SKCEC community input survey that so many of you completed - thank you again!

When we asked 'What three words best describe what you envision for the future of the Port Orchard/South Kitsap community?' One word was mentioned almost 100 times - COMMUNITY.

South Kitsap has such a heart for their community that this word was submitted over and over again. There are so many ways that you can define 'community' - our common bonds, our shared spaces, a sense of a collective fate and future - you told us that all of these things are important to the future of Port Orchard. You communicated that through strengthening our sense of community that we will grow, and we couldn't agree more!

2) 'Very Important'

Space for Community Festivals was chosen the most as 'Very Important' among all other options - clearly demonstrating your desire for more spaces to gather and to celebrate together as a waterfront community. Space for Community Festivals can admittedly mean a lot of things, and that's great! What is important is that South Kitsap places importance on new indoor and outdoor spaces where festivals, markets, celebrations, and gatherings can be held.

3) Other Activities We asked and you answered!

We asked survey participants to give us their ideas on activities that they'd like to see in downtown Port Orchard or at the future SKCEC and we are very pleased with all of the great ideas and feedback that our community has. We appreciate the time and energy you put into your answers, they help us steer the final direction of the design, programming, and functionality of the future South Kitsap Community Events Center. Many answers fell into themes such as improved outdoor spaces, access to the waterfront, interesting events, and cultural programming.

Outdoor Space Now more than ever having flexible and functional outdoor community spaces is vital and we live in communities that value time spent outdoors - oftentimes in spite of the weather. When we asked 'If outdoor space was provided at the SKCEC, how would you see yourself using it? All year round?' We received hundreds of valuable responses. Most people want simple things like a place to enjoy a cup of coffee, a place to catch up with friends and enjoy a peaceful, beautiful environment. Thank you for sharing your vision for a transformed Port Orchard!

5) Catalyst We loved this sentiment from last month's Community Input Survey (thank you again to everyone who took a moment to share your thoughts). We all believe in Port Orchard and we want better for our local businesses, restaurants and better for our waterfront. SK pride is real and we want our community to thrive. This particular survey participant quoted sees the SKCEC as a force for good for our waterfront and city that can create real positive change that pays dividends into the fabric of our community.

6) What the Community Needs The world needs good news and South Kitsap is no different. 2020 has been difficult to say the least - that only makes the process of planning and designing the SKCEC more exciting and important. Our community deserves good news right now. Our new Events Center, gathering space, and Library is news that you can feel good about!

Copy of Email_Nov Input Announce.png

Zoom Social Post #2 (using email #2 graphic)

SKCEC Project Update! RSVP to thus Tuesday's Zoom presentation here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89817211214

You're invited to attend a Zoom video presentation held during Port Orchard's next City Council meeting on Tuesday Nov. 24th at 6:30pm. In this presentation, the planning team of the future South Kitsap Community Events Center (SKCEC) will share some exciting updates on potential SKCEC building sites in downtown Port Orchard.

RSVP to the Nov. 24th Zoom here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89817211214

The public in attendance of the Zoom presentation will have an opportunity to leave comments and input in the chat feature of the Zoom.

We look forward to your attendance!

If you cannot make the Nov. 24th Zoom presentation the information on the SKCEC project updates will available at www.imagineportorchard.com

Invite Email #2

Hello South Kitsap friends and neighbors,

You're invited to attend a Zoom video presentation held during Port Orchard's next City Council meeting on Tuesday Nov. 24th at 6:30pm.

In this presentation the planning team of the future South Kitsap Community Events Center (SKCEC) will share some exciting updates on potential SKCEC building sites in downtown Port Orchard.

You've been an enthusiastic supporter in this community project and we want to make sure that you're aware of updates and public input opportunities during the planning of the SKCEC. Thanks in part to the support and engagement of folks like you, our community will have a new Library location and a new venue for informal and formal gatherings and events. Thanks again for taking this journey with us!

RSVP to the Nov. 24th Zoom here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89817211214

The public in attendance of the Zoom presentation will have an opportunity to leave comments and input in the chat feature of the Zoom. We look forward to your attendance!

If you cannot make the Nov. 24th Zoom presentation, the information on the SKCEC project updates will available at www.imagnieportorchard.com so those not in attendance can stay informed on SKCEC planning and progression.

Thanks for taking a moment to read this email, have a great rest of your day!
The Imagine Port Orchard Team


Facebook post : Approved + Posted

Hello friends and neighbors,

You are invited to join us at the Port Orchard City Council meeting on November 24, 2020 at 6:30 pm where we will share the results of the previous public survey.  There will also be some interesting and exciting updates on the SKCEC project. The team has been working hard on the building programming and conceptual design and will be sharing that progress with the public. 

Please mark your calendars!  Presentation will be via Zoom meeting -- access will be posted in the future on the City Council website.  https://www.cityofportorchard.us/city-council-meeting-agendas

Meanwhile, stay up to date on SKCEC news and project updates by visiting imagineportorchard.com

Email : Save the Date | Approved + Sent

Hello South Kitsap friends and neighbors,

Thank you once again for your participation in our recent public survey. We had an extremely encouraging response from our community and we are looking forward to sharing the results with you.

You are invited to join us at the Port Orchard City Council meeting on November 24 at 6:30 pm where we will share the results of that survey.  There will also be some interesting and exciting updates on the SKCEC project. The team has been working hard on the building programming and conceptual design and will be sharing that progress with the public. 

Please mark your calendars!  Presentation will be via Zoom meeting -- access will be posted in the future on the City Council website.  https://www.cityofportorchard.us/city-council-meeting-agendas

Meanwhile, stay up to date on SKCEC news and project updates by visiting imagineportorchard.com and by following Imagine Port Orchard on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/imagineportorchard

Thank you for taking a few minutes to read this email and for helping us imagine a brighter future for our community and a gathering place we can all be proud of.

Best Wishes, 

The Imagine Port Orchard Team

Email_Nov Input Announce (1).png


✔️ OCT 12TH

Objective: Share sample survey question + LINK

Thank you to the hundreds of people who have already filled out the SKCEC public input survey. We appreciate your time and your perspective on the future of our city! For those of you who have yet to take the survey, we wanted to give you a glimpse of the type of input we are seeking from our community. Answer this question and the rest of the survey at www.imagineportorchard.com. "What three words best describe what you envision for the future of the Port Orchard/South Kitsap community?"

✔️ OCT 9TH

Objective: CEC KRL focussed content + LINK

We appreciate and value the staff and resources provided by the Port Orchard branch of the Kitsap Regional Library! That’s why we’re so excited that along with meeting spaces for groups large and small, the SKCEC will be the NEW location of the Port Orchard Kitsap Regional Library. A modern library facility is a lasting investment in our community and we want you to be an active participant in this process. There are so many possibilities for this multi-purpose space and your input will inspire the next steps!

Please take a moment to participate in this survey and share what you would like to see for the future South Kitsap and your library. www.imagineportorchard.com


✔️ Objective: Give the 350+ people who clicked on the link but didn’t begin the survey - a cookie! Make the intro a little more engaging up top and thank them for taking 5 minutes to help us.


Thank you for clicking the link and learning more about the SK Community Events Center! On average, this survey takes just 5 minutes. Join hundreds of your neighbors and fellow community members and share your thoughts with us! 

Below are some additional details about the new SK Community Events Center.”

✔️ OCT 5TH

Share sample survey question + LINK

APPROVED POST: Thank you to the hundreds of people who have already filled out the SKCEC public input survey. We appreciate your time and your perspective on the future of our city! For those of you who have yet to take the survey, we wanted to give you a glimpse of the type of input we are seeking from our community. Answer this question and the rest of the survey at www.imagineportorchard.com. "If you could imagine something new for Port Orchard’s downtown experience, what would it look like?"

✔️ OCT 2ND

Re-introduce the CEC project - take a look back in order to look forward.

APPROVED POST: How We Got Here : A Look Back | 2018 - 2020

Many of you are hearing about the SKCEC for the first time. We'd like to give you a brief look back on how we got here. For the full story, visit 'The Journey' on our website: www.imagineportorchard.com

2018: 6 Kitsap County projects were put forward to the Kitsap Public Facilities District (KPFD) for funding.
2019: The KPFD ranked Imagine Port Orchard the #1 project.
2020: The City and Stakeholders have been working to create a path forward. They've selected Rice Fergus Miller (RFM) to lead the way in design and building.
Now: We begin the planning phase with plans to break ground in the near future.


✔️ Survey Content

✔️ Website

✔️ Design Assets

✔️ Email Header

✔️ Email Copy

✔️ Facebook Post

✔️ Facebook Copy


✔️ FRIDAY | Sept 25th

Community / Stakeholder Pre-Launch awareness outreach. 

Send communications to key community groups and identified stakeholders that outlines the Public Outreach event, invites participation and opens a line of communications. 

✔️ DEADLINE: Sept 25th

Provide Partners with announcement media assets, links and talking points for launch.

✔️ MONDAY | SEPT 28th

City of PO, KRL and Imagine PO send out individual announcements via email distribution lists + make an initial post on their individual Facebook pages.

***After this initial announcement blitz, we ask that Partners share posts from the Imagine Port Orchard page and Website when possible.

For the duration of the Public Outreach Survey ( Sept. 28th - Oct 16th) digital promotion will occur on Facebook through the Imagine Port Orchard page on Mondays and Fridays. This messaging will serve to share the link to the Survey Page, provide content for the public to engage with and share with their networks and to re-invigorate engagement and awareness of the project.


  • Sept 25 | Pre-Launch Email to Stakeholders

    • Email Header

    • Proposed copy for email body

    • Imagine PO website

  • Sept 28 | Social Posts - Public

    • FB Graphic

    • Proposed copy writing

    • Survey link

    • Imagine PO website

  • Sept 28 | Email - Public

    • Email Header

    • Proposed copy for email body

    • Survey link

    • Imagine PO website





SKCEC Public Outreach #1 | Messaging Road Map


THANK YOU - next steps. Post on FB and send Thank You email to participants.